These species consist of the so-called principal market tunas and some billfishes. 这些品种包括所谓的主要市场金枪鱼和一些旗鱼。
And in the principal street were the market and several hotels adorned with pavilions. 市场在城内一条主要的大街上,这条街上还有几家插着旗帜的旅馆。
Sometimes there is no principal market for an asset or liability, in which case fair values are based on prices in the most advantageous market; 在有些时候,某一资产或债务并不存在主要市场,这种情况下,公允价值的确定就应当基于最有利市场中的价格;
The second chapter briefly reviews the course of the financial crisis development during the last decade and introduces the financial variables, the principal market participants and their behaviors which are related to the financial contagion. 第二章,回顾近10年金融危机发展历程,介绍与金融传染相关的金融变量、市场主体及其行为。
If there is no principal or most advantageous market, an entity can use pricing models to estimate fair values. 如果主要市场和最有利市场都不存在,那么所涉经济实体可以采用定价模型对公允价值进行估算。
To turn a restructured SDR into a real monetary instrument that other central banks might hold in their reserves, its principal emerging market components led by the renminbi need to be made convertible. 要把重新计算权重的sdr变成其它央行可能以外汇储备形式持有的真正货币工具,其主要新兴市场组成货币以人民币为首需要实现可兑换性。
Investment banking is a principal part in capital market of the western countries. 投资银行是西方国家资本市场的重要主体。
The enterprise is the principal part of market, it target to make the maximums profit and benefit the society. 企业是市场主体,以利润最大化为目标,同时造福社会;
The third part describes the supervision system and the self-management of principal parts of futures market in China. 第三部分是对中国期货市场的风险监管体系及市场主体的自我管理的描述;
The negative effect of market economy upon the police thoughts comes from the influence of the economical principal of market economy, influence of variety of the goods, influence of profit re-assignment and so on. 市场经济的负面效应对干警思想的影响包括来自市场经济利益原则的影响、商品形式多样化的影响、利益再分配的影响等。
Being the most active principal part in the market economy, corporation is playing more and more important function. 公司作为现代市场经济中最活跃的市场主体,在社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
My nature scientific research circumstance has occurred an important change, colleges have become one of the principal part in market competition. Therefore, today, the competition of market economy is very inspirited, how to construct and manage the group team of college is very important. 我国的科研环境已发生了重大变化,高校已逐步成为市场竞争的主体之一因此,在市场经济激励竞争的今天,高校科研团队的建设与管理十分重要。
As principal parts in market competition, enterprises has economic benefits of their own. 企业作为市场竞争的主体,具有独立的经济利益。
Agricultural trade association affects not only on the formulation and implementation of national agricultural policy, but also has played an important role in strengthening member cooperation, promoting the international market, keeping the benefits of international trade as a new principal of the market economy. 农产品行业协会的发展不仅影响本国农业政策的制定和实施,而且,作为市场经济的一个新主体,在加强会员合作、国际市场开拓、维护经贸利益等方面发挥着重要作用。
However, some reasons embarrassed the development of tourism industry, such as inadequate management, unsystematic planning, seriously homogenization of products, poor investment guide mechanism and unclear principal market. 由于管理体制不顺,规划不系统,产品同质化严重,投入引导机制不健全,市场主体不明晰等多种原因,影响了旅游业的发展。
Government, business and household are the three principal parts of market economy. 从市场经济的一般主体来看,通常认为有三个经济主体:政府、企业和居民。
Being the principal body of market, what are the dealers loyal plane like, not just straightforwardly affect on the cultivation of social public loyalty, but also directly determine the construction and improvement of our country's credit system. 商人作为市场最主要的主体,其诚信意识的状况如何,不仅直接影响社会公众诚信意识的培养,亦直接决定着我国信用体制的建立和完善。
Under the situation of market economy, enterprise step by step establishes its status as principal part of market. 在市场经济环境下,企业作为市场主体的地位逐步确立,并且自主经营,自负盈亏。
These forces come in three principal types: market drive,, political drive,, and social drive. The second chapter introduces the theory of control corporation. 在第一章和第二章的理论基础上,第三章分析了实际控制人的判断标准;
In 1990s, domestic insurance industry has developed fast, and also the principal part of market and the scale of insurance industry expanded rapidly. 上世纪90年代起中国保险业得到了快速的发展,市场主体和保险业务规模迅速扩张。
As an important civil principal of Social Democracy Market Economy, company plays important part in advancing the development of Market Economy. 公司作为社会主义市场经济中的重要民事主体,在推进市场经济发展中起了重要作用。
In agricultural marketization, the principal part of market should not be government, but be agricultural producer. 农业市场化进程中市场主体应该是农业生产者而不应该是政府;
The legal enterprise type as the dialogic basis of the principal part of market, contributes to establishing a fair market transaction platform, and forming trust in the whole process of transaction. 企业类型的法定化有利于建立起一个平等的市场交易平台,是市场主体的对话基础,便于在交易的过程形成普遍性的信赖;
Such an opened market system is not only in conformity with the principal of equal market economy, but also meet the demands of capital concentrated in high and new technology industries. 这样全面开放的市场准入,既符合市场经济平等与自由竞争的原则,又可以较高程度地满足高新技术产业资本密集的要求。
In the theory of financial market micro-structure, the transfer systems play an important role in forming the financial assets prices. The present principal market structure calls for a transfer system different from the normal-scale one. 金融市场微观结构理论认为交易制度对于金融资产价格形成作用重大,目前的市场主体结构需要不同于正常规模的交易制度。
Principal parts of building market are engaged in construction and transaction of building projects. 建筑市场主体是提供和交易公共品的生产经营者。
Company is not only the basis of modern social, economical and commercial laws to be established and maintained, but also the most important principal part in market economy. 公司是现代社会经济和商事法律得以确立和维持的基础,是市场经济中最重要的主体。
His idea of value equilibrium based upon costs of production and marginal utility theories is still the central guiding principal in market resources allocation research. 该书综合生产费用理论和边际效用理论所创立的均衡价值论,迄今仍是研究市场资源配置的核心指导原则。
Foreign contractors into the construction market, if the owner is not equal to the principal trading market, still blindly reducing prices, Time pressure and demands of advanced projects, foreign contractors will cite "non-discrimination principle," which caused trade disputes. 国外承包商进入我国建筑市场,如果业主不以平等市场主体进行交易,仍然盲目压价、压工期和要求垫支工程款,就会被外国承包商援引非歧视原则而引起贸易纠纷。
With the development of information and technology, corporation which is the principal part of market faces the pressure of controlling cost. 随着科技化、信息化的发展,企业作为市场的主体,始终面临着节流的压力。